24th  to 28th February 2025


The Photonic Society of Poland organized the scientific international conference, Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods - IOS’2025. The Conference took place on 24th to 28th February 2025.

The Conference was be organized in Szczyrk in the META Hotel, in the Beskidy Mountains in Poland in a real winter scenery.

Co-organizers of the Conference wer: the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication of Polish Academy of Sciences, the Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustical Society, in cooperaition with the Optoelectronic Department at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice as well the Committee of Optoelectronics at the SEP.

The main goal of the IOS’2025 Conference was to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of photonics and optoelectronics.

About one hundred participants took part in the IOS'2025 Conference. 60 lectures and posters were presented in 9 sessions.

The Conference has contributed to extend relations between scientific groups and enabled the intensification of cooperation for the development of photonics and practical optoelectronics.


Following the example of previous years, there is a possibility of publishing the works presented at IOS'2025 in the journal Photonics Letters of Poland. Photonics Letters of Poland (PLP) is a journal with an Impact Factor and is indexed in the global databases SCOPUS and WoS. The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the rules in force in PLP and sent directly to the PLP Editorial Office by May 15, 2025.



Your very sincerely


On behalf of the Organizers



Prof. Tadeusz Pustelny


Chairman of the IOS Conference